Chinese Name: 小型喷雾干燥机
Ø Model: Mini B-290
Ø Instrument Number: 20061859
Ø Manufacturer: Switzerland Buchi
Ø Acquisition price: ¥347999.55
Ø Acquisition date: 2006-05-22
Ø Locate: Room104, 24thbuilding, Wing A
Tianjin University
Ø Specification:
u The maximum drying capacity: 1 L/h for water;
u Drying time: 1.0-1.5 seconds;
u The maximum air flow: 35 mL/h;
u The maximum compressed air flow: 800 L/h (standard state);
u The highest temperature: 220 ℃;
u LED digital display:
inlet temperature, outlet temperature, blower air flow, peristaltic pump speed;
u Nozzle diameter: 0.7 mm standard, it also can be selected;
u Exclusive worldwide patent antistatic spray technology; scalable to handle organic solvents; special ruby nozzles, automatic anti-blocking function; can achieve spray freeze function (the latest technology).
Ø Main Applications:
This equipment can be used for spray drying aqueous phase and organic phase solvents, the main function and purpose as follows:
u The preparation of pharmaceutical microcapsules microspheres;
u The preparation of pharmaceutical solid dispersion;
u The curing process of Chinese medicine extract;
u The production of spheroidal voids medicinal materials;
u Functional polymer processing;
u The food processing.